Dear Earthlings,
"...the heart in thee is the heart of all; not a valve, not a wall, not an intersection is there anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls uninterruptedly an endless circulation through all men, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and, truly seen, its tide is one."—Ralph Waldo Emerson
"...the heart in thee is the heart of all; not a valve, not a wall, not an intersection is there anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls uninterruptedly an endless circulation through all men, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and, truly seen, its tide is one."—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wowee! What a world we are living in. So much unknown out there and everyone is trying to assert their own opinions of what is true. What is true for you may not be true for me. Now there's a TRUTH.
I had a dream last night where millions of people were staring into tiny screens the size of Zoom boxes looking for all the answers. They were focused on the screen to tell them what to believe. And these individual screens became very REAL for each person. They were so real that they couldn't imagine believing anything beyond what they saw or read on the SCREEN.
The screens and images on the screen became part of their brains and bodies. They each walked around with a screen for a brain.
And they forgot about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees. It was all about people. It wasn't even about EARTHLINGS, but people who were separated from their environment. And as long as they tuned into the screen, the perceived safety of that little square, all was okay, so each one of them thought.
But then people started attacking each other because their screen information didn't match another person's screen information. They were all reacting to what was projected on their screens. And then they were trying to find screens that matched their screens to attack the other screens.
Gee Whiz, maybe there's been waaaaaay too much screen time these days!
Yesterday I spent the entire day gardening with my boyfriend. He lives in a house in Shoreline and the person who lived there before him was into gardening and left an amazing garden, but it had become overgrown and chaotic.
It felt so good to get my hands in the earth and to feel my body as part of the earth. Stepping into that garden allowed me to move away from the screen and step into my own frequency. I felt my hands touch the soil. I dug holes and planted tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, herbs and other veggies. I smelled that pungent earthy smell of composted soil with all those nutrients. I plucked some mint and popped it into my mouth. I harvested leeks and collard greens and celery and made a fragrant stir fry, adding herbs and other spices. All my senses came to life.
When I work long hours on the computer, I'm aware of a metallic energy. It doesn't feel natural. Sometimes my body becomes cold and I have to get in a Himalayan salt bath to feel my natural energy again. It's only when I get outside and feel my body move under the leafy green trees and along the pine-needled path that I feel alive and part of each thing. My boyfriend found a bird feeder in his shed. I filled it with wild finch seed and today a finch with a glowing orange breast came to the feeder for several minutes. I watched in awe of this creature as it fluttered its wings in happiness at this amazing feast.
This morning, my boyfriend and I juiced beets, apples, celery, carrots, ginger and collard greens from the garden. Drinking this elixir was like drinking the earth itself. I could feel every cell come alive and I felt my body connect deep down into the many layers of earth and then outward to every living thing. And when I grounded myself, I felt my own frequency. It wasn't part of the so-called world-wide web. It wasn't about Zoom or governments, or money, or the daily news. It was beyond right and wrong and judgements and criticisms and thoughts and fear.
It was a web so ancient and immense, with an intelligence much greater than anything we humans could ever dream up. It extended and connected all of life. It vibrated and pulsated with pure energy. Life and death were part of the entire picture. They were as natural as the brilliant hues of autumn foliage, which are essentially dead leaves. There was no need to preserve anything because each living thing fed back into the earth to bring new life. We are drops of water in the ocean of time, yet we are living like we are the most important beings on the planet. We rush around in cars with schedules chocked full and in the end we have no time for anything. We've been running to our own demise for some time.
When I'm able to pull my energy back to my core or center, I'm able to feel my own breath, sensations, emotions, intuition, inner stirrings and senses. I'm not seeking outside myself for answers. The answers are always right here in each moment and each moment becomes my life.
Earthlings were not meant to be locked inside with computers, they are part of this earthly web and disconnecting from it can have much more dire consequences than anything currently threatening the human species.
My own experience tells me to connect with nature. Nature holds the key to everything and it also nourishes my life and all lives. It can survive without us, but we can't survive without it. By tuning into nature on a very deep level, I sense a language that has been forgotten. It's in the wind, the trees, the calls of birds, the tides, the phases of the moon and sun. It's in me.