Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Healing for the Earth, DAY TWO: Drumming for Peace

Hello fellow Earthlings,

I offer you my drumming this evening for PEACE. So get comfortable for a few minutes and put this on speaker and lay down and just let it enter you....the beat of the EARTH and our own hearts on it. This is my prayer for peace. This is my offering of PEACE, love and healing to all of you and the planet on which we live.

Today and all days are gifts. I really feel this. Each moment is precious and has always been precious. Today I took a long walk down Jamestown Beach. The sun was high and the tide was out. Hundreds of birds used the opportunity of the high tide to find shellfish. I found a sand dollar today. A whole one!

 When I walk, I really feel in tune with all living things. I know, in these difficult times, it may be difficult to walk or go outside. Even just a few steps outside to look at flowers or see a tree is important. You can call nature and the beauty of the Earth into your heart space. I have a friend who is quarantined in Europe and on lockdown and can't go on walks, but she finds creative ways to get outside. She walks to a grocery store that is far away so that she can be outside. We are not meant to be locked inside as a species. The Earth is our home, but it's ailing. I really feel this. This is not a human dilemma that we are going through. It's an Earth dilemma. It affects all beings and most of all, the being that we are living on. If we separate ourselves from the Earth and nature, we won't be able to go on. For the next 30 days, I'm dedicating my blog to healing for the Earth. This evening I decided to share with you the elk drum I made in my Vision Circle. I play it every evening in ceremony. A herd of elk live in Sequim and it makes me feel more connected to them when I play it. The animals are in tune with the Earth so if you listen, you can hear them and understand their wordless language. They are calling all beings to LISTEN.

Today's message and healing is about listening to the beat of the Earth. It's about putting down our human agendas to TUNE IN to the larger picture. It's about the HEART BEAT of the planet, this big BLUE marble we live on. There's a tendency to ask, "What can I DO? What can I DO?" There's a flurry of people out there wanting answers and wanting to DO something.

If you are able to just stop for a few moments and breath and go inward or walk and feel each step, you will find the answers. Just two minutes, five minutes, a half hour, one hour. It doesn't matter, but it is so important.

Much love,

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