Friday, March 27, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 12: Signs of Love are Everywhere

Hello my dear Earthlings,

Howya doing out there in quarantine? Are you going stir crazy yet?

 For awhile, I've been getting up late and not eating quite right. There's no one here to check in on me and I'm not good at keeping myself on task, but I'm going to try and stick with a schedule starting tomorrow.

I'm also going to try and give myself a break and realize that these are very different times. After all, the entire world's schedule got thrown out the window. That makes me feel better when I'm eating mint Milanos at 11.

But truthfully, I have things I do want to accomplish in this time that I have free. I actually have a tech job at my college that I'm supposed to be learning, I have some classes and workshops that I'm putting together, I'd like to get into a more structured book writing schedule, I need to put a class online for spring quarter at the college and I am working on my housing situation for when I have to leave this lovely place in Sequim, WA. So there are things I could certainly focus on. Also, I'd like to organize and pare down my possessions. I don't have a lot of things, but they could be organized a bit more. So I'm ready for some structure.

I managed to get out for a walk again at sunset. This time, the clouds were puffy in the sky and I felt happy that I made it out the door and on the way to the beach in time

As I was on my walk, someone put up beautiful handmade prayer flags of good wishes on the barbed wire fence along the deserted road. It made me happy to see it there. I had been feeling like I needed a bit of hope and love and there it was.

Further down the beach, I saw that the medicine wheel that Scott and I made last Sunday was still there almost a week later. That made my day.

I walked as far down as I could and another person had made a heart out of shells. Signs of love were everywhere.

And once again, the eagle that is always around when I'm down on the beach, flew overhead and landed on a high branch of a pine tree nearby and sat there calmly staring down at me.

I was so happy I made it to the beach. I almost didn't make it. I had been feeling cooped up and unproductive. Whenever I walk I feel so refreshed.

When I got home, I called my boyfriend and put the ingredients for a 12-bean soup in the Crockpot. I wanted to make a lentil soup, but all the lentils in the grocery store were gone, so this was all that I had to work with.

I feel that people are looking out for each other out there. I feel there is LOVE in the air. At least those are the signs I seem to be tuning into today.

Have you seen any signs of LOVE out there?

Much love to you fellow Earthlings!

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