Friday, March 20, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 5: Creature Comforts and Whatever You Need to Get You Through the Day!

Hello fellow Earthlings,

It's strange out there, isn't it? What an interesting time to be an Earthling. Today's little video is about saying OKAY to creature comforts and whatever gets you through the day! Yay!

Today was a day of paperwork and getting things done, so I didn't get a chance to be out in nature much, except to see the last rays of sunlight as I drove to Safeway to pick up provisions. You can be sure that the entire aisle of toilet paper was empty and there was no hand sanitizer in sight. In fact, there were signs up limiting these items to two per person. Earthlings are so interesting, aren't we? Not a single animal uses these things. We wear clothes, use hand sanitizer and toilet paper and drive cars and go to store houses that hold all of our food. This is what we do, many of us. While I was looking for Epsom salt, an announcement came on at the store that said, "Be sure to get your flu shot because you never know if it will be wild or mild out there." I swear that's what it said.

Today I decided, after feeling anxious about work and my future housing situation, that I was going to give myself some comfort and it is OKAY! I stocked up on snacks, which included a little chocolate. I put on my favorite cozy socks which have stars and moons on them. I turned on the gas fireplace for a bit to warm up. I took a long shower and washed my hair. I gave myself comfort today because it's what my body and spirit wanted. I will probably curl up in the bedroom and watch Netflix. I haven't watched anything in a long time, but today I'm cutting myself some SLACK.

I love you all for being here and doing your best! You are doing GREAT!

Peace, love and light,


  1. Thanks for the sweet words. We are so lucky to still be able to buy our snacks and such. My kids and I are becoming big tea drinkers. Word on the street is that drinking hot liquids of any kind is an excellent way to keep your lungs clear. It also helps us keep our hearts light.

  2. Thank you for all these beautiful writings!

    I was thinking of that old movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" a couple of weeks ago. I was just in the process of making some transitions in my work life to give myself more breathing space when all of this happened.

    So, while there is deep fear about many things, there is also just sheer joy at being able to hold still and focus on creating.

    And yes, there is a fine chocolate stash in my home. :)
