Sunday, March 29, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 14: Going Within

Hi Earthlings,

Howya doing today? Feeling okay out there on this big, gorgeous, BLUE marble of ours?

 Today I connected with other fellow Earthlings in my Vision Circle via Zoom. All 13 or so of them touched my heart so very deeply. They are family and I appreciate all of the inner work they are doing that doesn't show up on the airwaves here, but counts for so much. Seeing them today reminded me of how connected we all are. The inner work you are doing is a thread in this web. There are so many people doing this work.

Going within not only helps me feel centered and grounded, but it connects me deep down to the core of Mother Earth. Then, everything I do is from a centered and clear place. I'm not reacting to my environment, I'm observing my environment.

Reaction and observation are two very different things.

Reaction is the stuff fear is made from.

Observation is the stuff peace is made from.

By being an observer, you can actually take action on things without being in re-action to things.

It's not easy to be an observer. Especially in these times. Sometimes when I sit, emotions bubble up. My mind says I don't like this. I don't like what that person said. I'm done with this and I want this to end. I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm scared.

All of these emotions are genuine. They are real. And they are A-OKAY!!!! We wouldn't be human if we didn't have emotions.

But instead of letting my emotions rule the show, I've decided to try and drop in each day and observe them. I'm observing them as I would clouds passing across the sky. Behind the clouds the sky is always brilliant BLUE. Sometimes there are dark, ominous clouds. Sometimes there are white puffy clouds. Sometimes there's just a thick wall of clouds and sometimes there are no clouds at all.

It always changes. Just like our emotions. They always change. So actually, change is the only thing we can be absolutely sure about.

If we know things will change for sure, we know that we won't always be in this state. We KNOW that this virus won't last FOREVER. We know we will get through whatever we are currently experiencing. No emotion lasts forever. No pain lasts forever. In fact, nothing lasts forever.


Perhaps that is a good mantra for our times.

We can't control anyone but ourselves. We aren't in control of the world and other people, but we do get to decide what we each are going to do in any given moment.

Walking on the beach today watching the clouds make shapes, like a gray whale or a lotus or dark, scary monsters, helped me see this change up close. I enjoyed watching these clouds change.

Then, I sat down in the sand and meditated. I listened to the bird calls and the waves and grabbed fists full of sand and let them sift between my fingers. I tasted the salty air and touched the smooth surface of seashells. I breathed deeply into my heart and released my breath to the Earth. I let each emotion or feeling hang out for awhile. I didn't push them away or entertain them. I just let them be there with me on the beach.

Here's a little video I made for you about going within. Sorry, I'm wearing my nerdy glasses, but the message I wanted to share is there.

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