Thursday, March 19, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 4: You are an Important Thread in the Web of the EARTH

Good evening fellow EARTHLINGS!

How are y'all on this fine evening?

 I made a little video for you.

 Perhaps, at this juncture in time, you are feeling lots of different emotions. Maybe you are feeling lonely, sad, helpless, afraid or just plain nervous. Or maybe you feel happy to have a bit of time on your hands to just BE. Or maybe you feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed or overstimulated or under-stimulated.

Whatever you are feeling, I want to tell you that YOU ARE IMPORTANT! AND you are right where you need to be doing just what you need to do, even if you don't think or feel this way.

Today I hit a bit of a wall. I've been alone for a week. All my friends are on the other side of the pond in Seattle, a ferry boat ride away. I'm out here with all the wild animals and Native Spirits, but I miss my community and actually giving hugs and looking into my fellow Earthlings sweet eyes. We are all in this together, aren't we? Now is the time to let go of the grudges. Now is not the time to judge or debate or disagree. Now is the time to come together (THINK WOODSTOCK there's an idea!) Now is the time to honor yourself deeply for all your foibles and to tenderly, lovingly sit with that part of you that might need some love.

It was a little bit more of a productive today. I got a lot of work done for my job at the college. I taught a class online this winter and now my skills will be needed to help teachers start the spring quarter online, as we will not be starting any classes in the classroom due to the virus.

Around 6pm, I thought I need to get out of here and get myself to a beach! It was a beautiful day ALL day, but I felt like I needed to get work done. The sun was starting to set, so I grabbed my silver-blue puffy jacket and slipped on my red boots and headed out to Jamestown Beach. The tide is always way out this time of the evening and I was excited to have my boots on this time because I wanted to walk out in the tide pools. The birds were going nuts. They were cackling and cawing and tweeting and twittering with joy, it seemed, to have this all-you-can-eat shellfish buffet right there on the sandbars. An eagle landed in a huge pine tree at the edge of the shore and made its gorgeous call out to the world from its perch. The sky was streaked with lines, reminding me of threads—white puffy cloud threads going in all different directions.

I thought, we are all threads, each one of us so important to the whole and it reminded me of the quote by Chief Sealth, for whom Seattle was named:

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."—Chief Seattle, Duwamish

You are important, each one of YOU! Remember that. You are on the EARTH for a reason.

Much ALOHA to all of YOU! Keep on keeping on and love each other. You are doing great!


1 comment:

  1. "Everyone is important.YOU help by tuning in" :)Thank you Kathy!
