Sunday, April 5, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 21: Are you in fear or in flow?

Dear fellow Earthlings,

Someone sent me this from the Hopi Indian Elders long ago and it feels more appropriate than ever now and I ask you: Are you in fear or in flow?

If you look at nature, how does it look to you? Does it look tight and contracted or does there appear to be a flow to life? If you are feeling fearful and contracted, what makes you feel that way?

As humans, we've become so separate from nature. We get our food from big box stores and we expect it to be there. We depend on things to be there for us and to be a certain way and if things aren't, we panic. Through our modern civilization, we've somehow removed ourselves from the flow of life. In nature, all things flow. If things are not flowing in nature now, it's because fellow Earthlings, in their desire to consume, have disrupted this flow.

Instead of clinging to our old ways, I can feel the time has come to push ourselves off into the center of the river. What I have found is that when I walk WITH nature, I'm part of it. I'm part of that flow and that creates peace inside me. If I forget nature and spend all my time being consumed by other people, news, technology, social media, then I contract. When I'm in a contracted state, it's easy to go into fear, panic, what ifs, anger, etc.

These days, when I feel myself going into a contracted state, I know I need to stop and connect inward. Nature naturally helps us connect inward because nature is naturally in flow.

Being in a flow when things are changing not only helps the individual, but it helps the world. Nature, I feel, and the our Native ancestors, are calling us to remember this flow. When I'm in a flow, I'm not gripping branches floating past me in a rushing river. I'm not holding on for dear life. When I'm in the flow of life I'm in a state of surrender and awe. I'm able to witness the beauty of nature and see that I'm a part of it.  I'm aware that something bigger is at play. Today on my walk, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Today the sunset turned the sky to fire and the almost-full-moon shone bright in the sky. Today my friend, the eagle, soared above me once again and left me breathless.

 I don't have to have it all figured out. I'm confident that things will work out just as they are meant to. When I'm in a flow, I'm carried to where I need to go. I take the right actions and I show up in the right places at the right time. I don't second guess or tune into other people's fears.

Being in fear cuts me off from the flow. It creates separation. It causes me to feel there won't be enough. I begin to hoard. I'm afraid to go outside. Everything around me gives me cause for fear. Being in a contracted state causes disease. It's hard on the immune system. It creates personal panic and mass panic.

If you find yourself frequently in this contracted state, it would be helpful to tune in and notice it. Sit for a few minutes with the feelings in silence. Ask yourself, "What am I really afraid of?" Instead of hiding from it, face it. Surrender to it. See what happens if you can just sit quietly watching your breath while you are in a contracted, fearful state.

Before long, you will start to loosen up. You will feel the edges soften. Whatever felt tight will begin to release by just sitting and breathing and being aware. You can do this when you sit or while you walk. It's an opportunity actually. It's a big opportunity to decide right now, as we go through this transition: How do you want to show up in this world?

Everything in nature flows.

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