Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 23: Sharing Your Gifts with Others and the Earth

Hello fellow Earthlings,

"My Teacher has told you how a word from her hand touched the darkness of my mind and I awoke to the gladness of life. I was dumb; now I speak. I owe this to the hands and hearts of others. Through their love I found my soul and God and happiness. Don’t you see what it means? We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. Only love can break down the walls that stand between us and our happiness."—Helen Keller

Today is the full moon in Libra. Full moon is a time when you can really let go of what is not serving you or working for you anymore. It's time to shed identities or fears and stand up in who each one of us truly IS and share those gifts!

Today I met with 25 healers, seekers, meditators, shamans, body workers, psychics, and visionaries for a Healing the Earth Summit meeting that I called together on this full moon day. Wowza, was that powerful. So many beautiful Earthlings offering and sharing their gifts.

Many of us had different traditions, religions, ideas, paths, circles, but one thing we all shared is a desire to heal ourselves and the planet for the greater good of all beings.

Drumming was offered, meditations were offered, a poem, beautiful Sufi words, a Hawaiian oli (chant), quotes from wise people. All of it was a healing soup that we drank together even though we did not know everyone in the group. These were circles overlapping other circles. Tribes coming together in peace. We are stronger together. When we meet like this, we create such a powerful force in the world. It may seem like it is so small, just a drop. No, it's HUGE. It has ripple effects that go faaaarrrr beyond what we can see.

We are in isolation because of a global pandemic virus, but this isolation can't stop us from coming together and creating medicine together and offering our gifts to the Earth.

Today was a tough day for me with three intense meetings for my college. I felt like throwing in the towel. It all just felt too overwhelming. But after the Healing the Earth Summit meeting, I felt so much energy. I felt like I was being carried by something much greater than myself.

It was as if we were all in a canoe together and we were all paddling and we all were there because we had faith that coming together was not only good for each one of us, but good for the Earth and all beings on it as well.

After our meeting, I had a strong urge to take all of that good energy that was created and walk to Jamestown beach to watch the full moon in Libra rise. I knew it was rising at 7:35pm and there it was, a HUGE orange ball coming up over the mountains casting its bright light across the water. The energy of this pink full moon (as they call it in the spring) was so enormous. Have you ever looked right into the a super moon? It's like a womb. It looked like a fetus was curled up inside waiting to be born. I really feel like we are birthing a new planet right here and now. This is the time.

It's amazing what we can do when we come together. We need more coming together. More sharing of our amazing gifts with the Earth and all beings on it. Don't be afraid to stand up and share your gifts. Stand up and offer them without fear. The world needs you right now! If you are already doing that, I bow to you deeply. Thank you for your offerings. Thank you for being YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos!! We were in the middle of storms, so my sky was clouded, so I appreciate seeing everyone else's shots of this magical moon.
