Friday, April 3, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 19: Finding a Healing Circle

Hello fellow Earthlings,

How are you all doing out there? How are you feeling? Are you getting the support you need in these uncertain times?

Making it through this difficult time would not be easy without my support groups. I meet my counselor regularly and I'm also part of a meditation group and a shaman drum circle. On top of that, I run Seattle Psychic Institute with my boyfriend and I do reading/healing trades with several psychics. I also find time for a regular meditation and yoga practice and take a walk each day. These things keep me sane.

Here's a little video I made down on Jamestown Beach, near where I live, about finding support with a healing circle:

I spend a lot of time alone out here and I'm processing very intense energy. Each night when I go to sleep,  I am aware that I'm downloading lots of new information. I feel very connected to the Native energy out here and the wild animals, but if I did not have the support of my regular healing groups, it would be hard to process all that new information on my own.

I really believe we are all going through a new paradigm shift. We are moving into a new way of being on the Earth. We have all been living our lives in a certain way and gotten used to certain things and now we are moving into a very new way of being in the world.

This will take some adjusting. Getting support from my healing circles helps me realize that I'm not alone in this process. Also, when I can meditate or drum or do healing work with others, the energy is much stronger. I'm able to feel a bigger force at work and this carries me. We are never alone really. We are all interconnected. We have the help of friends in circles and also help from a higher source and other spirits when we tune in.

It doesn't matter if you are in a mediation, drumming, prayer, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, or psychic healing circle, all are helpful in connecting you and supporting you as we move through this shift that is happening right now on the planet.

Do you have any circles that are supporting you right now?

In love and light,

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