Saturday, April 4, 2020

Healing for the Earth, Day 20: Finding Moments of Exquisite Beauty

Hello fellow Earthlings!

How are you doing???  Hanging in there?

I can't believe today marks 20 days straight of writing Healing for the Earth posts on this here blog. I can tell you that writing these posts have helped me immensely.

Healing for the earth (including all beings on the Earth) has become my mantra for the past 20 days and I can feel a shift.

Today's post is about finding exquisite beauty in things we might overlook or finding beauty in usual things. I'm in a drum circle and my friend River leads the circle. She always talks about finding moments of exquisite beauty and I realize they are everywhere and in every moment. The Earth is full of breathtaking moments.

Lately, with all that is going on in the world, I'm finding it even more important to show up on the planet full of gratitude and I'm also finding it more important than ever to see the beauty that is all around me. Even though the state of the world is in a flux and things are uncertain, what is certain is the fact that BEAUTY IS STILL HERE! It's in a flower, tree, our breath, the wind, the sun, the stars, the moon, the!

What you tune into is what you will have more of. I find this to be true.

The other day I was walking down the beach and I saw a man and his dog way in the distance. He was singing and throwing a ball to his dog and they were both so blissful. I could feel their bliss and it made me happy. On that same beach, a woman was walking, flailing her arms and shouting about the state of the world to her friend on her cell phone. It was a gorgeous day out and she was walking on a beach with white puffy clouds above her and warm sun all around her and waves gently lapping at the shore. Sand dollars and seashells were scattered across the rocky beach, but she didn't notice any of it. She was not aware of where she was at all. She missed the beauty all around her.

Every moment of our lives is a tremendous gift. There is beauty here if we can just open to it. How often do you really tune into beauty? Do you see it around you? Do you feel it? We are so lucky to walk on this Earth. We are so lucky to be here. Don't take any moment of it for granted. Nothing is promised. Tomorrow is not promised.

Recently I repaired my bicycle and I've enjoyed taking it on bike rides around the mostly deserted streets of Sequim. I've had the same bicycle since college. I think I got it in 1989! It's a Cannondale mountain bike. I've thought about getting a new one, but this bike is perfectly fine and served me well all these years. I'm going to keep it for as long as I can.  I love riding it to the beach at sunset. I also love riding my bike up on the bluff above Cline Spit and seeing all the eagles and hawks. Sometimes I'll see a herd of deer munching on greenery in a nearby farm. Or I'll see a bumblebee or a butterfly or cherry blossom trees or pine trees. All of these things make me happy. All of them hold such beautiful energy.

If I'm able to hold those moments in me, I believe there will be many more of them. If I'm able to see exquisite beauty all around me, particularly in times of chaos and stress, then perhaps it's an indication that hope and love still exist. You create the reality that you see around you. What are you tuning into? Have you been aware of any moments of exquisite beauty lately?

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